Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Still getting ready.

Did I say LESS THAN THREE WEEKS? Surely not!! Today is April 22, and we leave Mobile on May 10. Oh My G . . . and, I've been signed up for this since November 1, 2007! I HAVE been riding my bike a lot, but most of my riding has been on FLAT land, and, well, I think I'm going to be in trouble on the hills!

Oh! I AM going to get to ride some hills before we leave! I am going to Mobile by way of the Smoky Mountain National Park. Remember, I LOVE to hike! My hiking club has planned a week-long trip to the Smokies the same week I go on my biking adventure. So, I'll get to hike three days, AND my sweet, understanding husband is going to ride one day with me on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Now those are some hills! One day should do it!! (ha, ha)

I learned to change a flat this week. I didn't have fun!! And, I hate pumping up my tires. I wonder if there is any way I can smuggle my husband along on this all women trip??

Getting Ready

My tour is less than three weeks away. I need to ride some HILLS!!!!