A cool Kentucky rain pelted down on our screaming yellow rain jackets today as we pedaled through more farmland on our way from Henderson to Lewisport. It started within a mile of the motel this morning, and continued all day, but we're TOUGH now, and don't let a little rain stop us. It does, however, take some of the fun out of it! I am so glad today was a flat ride. I don't think I could have rode hills in the rain--the downhills would have frightened me into the SAG van. My group completed the ride without any mishaps, but two of our ladies fell crossing a railroad track and were banged up quite a bit. One of them cracked her helmet, but neither broke anything that we're aware of. Both are icing their injuries (shoulder, elbows, knees, and hip), and taking Ibuprofen. We don't know yet if they will be able to ride again. I hope so.
Kathy, our California firefighter, has been on a mission to rescue any turtle found crossing the highway from becoming roadkill on the half-shell, and today's photos include her most recent TURTLE 911. Today, by the way, is her birthday. She is the youngest one on our tour--a mere baby at 51!
I saw tobacco growing today. Corn seems to be the crop of choice in this Ohio River valley, along with hay. The farms are beautiful. Most of them have red barns and grain silos, and many of them have white fenced pastures with horses. There is almost NO LITTER along the highways. What a pleasure it has been to ride through this beautiful countryside, even in the rain!
68.4 miles today, Average 13.4 mph, 5 hours and 4 minutes riding time.