Indiana! A day of dogs! I thought we left the dogs back in Tennessee, but they seemed to be everywhere today. We left Louisville this morning and had to cross back over the Ohio River on that long bridge in one of the photos below. We had no problems leaving the city, or for the first part of the ride through pretty, up-scale neighborhoods and subdivisions, but when we got out into the countryside things changed quickly. Several of the first dogs to bark were chained or behind fences, but they sent out a warning to other dogs along the way that we were coming. I was riding with Marilyn, and we were in the lead, so all the dogs were fresh and ready to chase us. And they did!! Big ones, little ones, black ones, yellow ones--I lost count. I must have sounded like a freight train coming when I had time to get my whistle out and start blowing. Some times all I had time to do was yell. Marilyn used her Halt twice. I had mine handy, but never felt threatened enough to use it. They came at us in groups today, too--four or five at a time. These Indiana farmers must love dogs to have so many. Part of today's ride was hilly too, short steep hills, but I made it over most of them without too much huffing and puffing. I wonder if I'll EVER be able to ride hills easily?? I didn't make many photos. We passed through a lot of farm and pasture land again, but saw fewer horses. The crop of the day seemed to be wheat. It's just a sea of green in some places, and so thick it looks like artificial turf. We did very little stopping along the way, and got to the motel earlier that usual, so I've had a long afternoon to rest. Surprisingly, I don't feel tired tonight. Tomorrow we ride 60 miles, back into Kentucky for the night. We've spent ten days in Kentucky, more than in any other state. Tomorrow (Saturday) will start our fourth week. I can't believe how fast the time has passed. We'll ride four days in a row this time, with two 60 mile days, and two 70 miles days. Our next rest day will be Tuesday in Milford, Ohio. The photo today is of our Adventure Cyclist Map a few days ago. I wanted you to see the profile of some of our hilly days.
Today 57 miles - Total so far 1,117 miles